06 December 2010

Guys, I made a blag.

She was a bright disc in him that left him sun-spun. She was circular, light-turned, equinox-sprung. She was season and movement, but he had never seen her cold. In winter, her fire sank from the surface to below the surface, and warmed her great halls like the legend of the king who kept the sun in his hearth.
- Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping

I will begin by embarrassing myself: I haven't really done much blogging since the days of LiveJournal.  Another embarrassment: those days were probably not as long ago as one might assume.  Still on the order of years, but.  I feel my life has begun to enter a state of newness and change that it hasn't done since entering college about 4.5 years ago, and even then that change felt minimal, safe, and protected.  Now on the cusp of graduation and life outside the confines of school for the first time since age 5, part of me feels somewhat adrift.  This is the point of my life where I should be transitioning, finding a job (working on it!) -- instead, I'm going to start a blog.

If nothing else, I want this place to serve as a repository for me and anyone interested in keeping up with me that can hold my more story-worthy experiences.  This desire feels especially important during this time of my own kind of season and movement.

Thanks for reading!

P.S.  I am considering reassigning this blog to guysImadeablag.blogspot.com.  Maybe you think I'm kidding.

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- Allison